The second and third graders are taking advantage of the beautiful weather this week by cleaning up leaves! ☀️🍂

Tonight the Linton-HMB Lady Lions take on the Kidder County Wolves in District 6 Volleyball action. Due to limited attendance, the game will be live-streamed on HMB's Facebook at 6:00 pm. Good Luck Lions!

The Elementary Student Council is in charge of a presidential “voting booth” for next week Tuesday!

Red Ribbon Week Oct. 26-30

Good morning, over the weekend, HMB was notified that one staff member, Mrs. Haak, has tested positive for COVID-19. The procedures according to our Health & Safety plan were followed. Contact tracing in our school resulted in zero close contacts and proper quarantine and isolation procedures have taken place. Thank you.

Good morning, last evening, HMB was notified that one staff member, Mr. Hanzal, has tested positive for COVID-19. The procedures according to our Health & Safety plan were followed. Contact tracing in our school resulted in zero close contacts and proper quarantine and isolation procedures have taken place. Please continue safe and healthy practices. Thank you.

Good evening, during Goveror Burgum’s press conference today, county risk levels were updated and Emmons County has been designated as High Risk (Orange) for COVID-19. Our local decisions will continue to be guided by the risk level of the community and in coordination with the NDDoH and Emmons County Public Health. HMB will continue with the Face-to-Face instructional model and implement schoolwide practices and encourage face coverings when social distancing is not possible. We also continue to encourage safe and healthy practices at home and in public locations, so we can remain in our Face-to-Face model. Please click on the link below to view the updated risk level graphic. Thank you.

More books were ordered with the book fair funds from earlier this year!! We still have some left to order. The library is going to have lots of new books! Thanks for the support!

Please view additional information in the link below regarding COVID-19 close contacts and face coverings from the North Dakota Department of Health that can assist in determining when quarantine is needed. https://www.hmb.k12.nd.us/article/320675?org=hmb-public-school

Good afternoon! HMB close contacts are no longer required to quarantine if both parties are properly wearing masks during exposure. Please view the letter for additional details.

Good evening, HMB administration was notified today that two high school students have tested positive for COVID-19. The procedures according to our Health & Safety plan were followed. All close contacts have been notified and proper quarantines and isolations have taken place. We will continue to follow procedures to keep our building sanitized and disinfected, and please continue safe and healthy practices. Thank you.

Amazing turnout for our first outdoor movie! Thanks to everyone for coming and for supporting the HMB Student Council!

Good afternoon,
Today, HMB administration was notified that a high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. The procedures according to our Health & Safety plan were followed. All close contacts have been notified and proper quarantine and isolation notifications have taken place. We will continue to follow procedures to keep our building sanitized and disinfected, and please continue safe and healthy practices. Thank you.

We are rooting for you at HMB, Lilah! #loveforlilah

HMB’s very first OUTDOOR MOVIE on Saturday, Oct. 3rd at 8 p.m. It will be on the west side of the building. Free admission and concessions will be available. Bring blankets and chairs! Oh and don’t forget to bring lots of friends!! The movie is rated PG so it is a family friendly movie!!
Please check the HMB Facebook page or HMB Student Council Instagram page if we’d have to cancel due to weather.

On Wednesday let's show our support for Lilah and her family. If you purchased a shirt or bracelet, please wear them this Wednesday! #loveforlilah

Good evening,
Over the weekend, HMB administration was notified that one staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The procedures according to our Health & Safety plan were followed. All close contacts have been notified and proper quarantine and isolation notifications have taken place. We will continue to sanitize and disinfect the school building, and please continue safe and healthy practices. Thank you.

Good afternoon HMB families, this afternoon, we were informed by Linton Public School that all elementary and junior high activities have been suspended from 9/24-10/9, including all practices and games. For details regarding the decision, please view the link below. Thank you.

Good afternoon! In response to the latest COVID-19 data, Governor Burgum updated county risk levels and Emmons County has been designated as Moderate Risk (Yellow) for COVID-19. Our local decisions will be guided by the risk level of the community and in coordination with the NDDoH and Emmons County Public Health. HMB will continue with the Face-to-Face instructional model and will continue to implement and encourage our schoolwide practices every day according to our Health & Safety Plan. We also continue to encourage safe and healthy practices at home and in public locations, so we can remain in our Face-to-Face model! Thank you!

Good afternoon HMB! This post serves as a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences this fall are being completed during a window of time instead of just during one evening. All families were mailed a letter providing details of how parents/guardians can schedule appointments with teachers. This window of time began on Monday, Sept. 21st and goes through Friday, October 2nd. All teachers are available before and after school, and during their prep period during this two week period. However, teachers are encouraged to schedule times that work best for the parent/guardians. Elementary teachers should have sent correspondence home as a reminder as well. Please contact your child's teachers to set up appointments. Appointments can be scheduled as a phone call, video conference, or in person as long as safety requirements are met during that time. If you have any questions, please contact the school. Thank you.